Miliunverd vision

Leading excellence with responsibility, integrity and innovation

Vision of the company, coupage of values

Old and new; Tradition and innovation; Harmonious mix of the territory; Combination of values. We extract the fruit of ancient olive trees and process them with the latest technology. We believe in unifying tradition and innovation, mixing the past with the recent. Understanding the old values with a fresh vision. Expert artisans purifying our product to its last stroke. To the smallest detail that makes the difference.

Miliunverd comes from Mil & Una (A Thousand & One) visions, Mil & Una perceptions and Mil & Una expectations of the green of the territory. Servants of the fruit of nature.

Manual olive picking
Dry stone. Ancient construction technique
Landscape of the Sènia

Help us to recover and protect the ancient olive trees

Now you have the chance to save a legacy
Sponsor a millenary tree!

We collaborate with different associations dedicated to the protection of the environment and more particularly of the ancient olive trees. We share their philosophy, and we are against uprooting these majestic wooden cathedrals sculpted by time. In addition, we are working on a program called "adopt a millennial olive tree" that will consist of the restoration and conservation of millennial olive trees that are in forgotten lands due to the rural exodus. Therefore, we are proud to say that we do our bit in the recovery and protection of ancient olive trees.

Coming soon!